Monday, October 29, 2018

What is the Right Way to Dispose of a Piano?

Need to part with your piano? There is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. While your first instinct may be to donate or sell your piano, these options can often cause more harm than good. Many aren’t aware that their donated piano, even with the best of intentions, often ends up as a burden on the institution they’ve donated it to. Institutions become populated with so many inappropriate instruments they themselves need to hire professionals to have them taken away; costing them money.

Avoid adding to this problem and schedule proper piano disposal from the experts. At Piano Movers Extraordinaire we offer piano disposal for Anoka County and the surrounding areas and we would like to tell you more about it, its benefits as well as what you can expect from this service.

While your old piano may still look pretty good, many pianos are actually in disrepair and unplayable. In some cases, a piano technician can fix the inside of the piano while a furniture refinisher can restore the outside. But, for many pianos, it is simply not cost effective to restore them. At some point, the piano no longer becomes worth spending the money to restore. If restringing is needed, this could cost hundreds. When this is the case, then it is ready for disposal. If you determine your piano unable to be or too expensive to be repaired, this is where we come in. We can help with the disposal of old or broken piano.

It is important to know you can’t just throw the piano out on the curb for the garbage service to pick up. Pianos require special disposal and Piano Mover sExtraordinaire is here to provide this very service.

Before you end up burdening someone else with your old, unplayable piano, give us a call and we can take it away to where it belongs; properly disposed of in the correct facility.

If you, unfortunately must part with your piano, give us a call for proper piano disposal in Anoka County. Contact the experts at Piano Movers Extraordinaire by calling us at 763-784-8123 or contact us for a Free Estimate.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

How to Avoid the Effects of Humidity and Temperature on Your Piano

Did you know that humidity and high temperatures can affect the sound and performance of your piano? We’re sure you’ve heard not to place your piano in the window in direct sunlight, but there a few other considerations essential for the overall well-being of your piano. Piano Movers Extraordinaire is the expert piano mover for Minneapolis, specializing in piano moving, storage and more. In fact, we know just about everything there is to know about pianos. With summer arriving here in Minnesota, we’d like to take a moment to discuss pianos and how to keep them safe all season.

Pianos are primarily made of wood, and when the temperature deviates between hot and cold, wood is known to expand and contract with the thermometer. When it comes to your piano and temperature fluctuation, it can potentially impact the sound and function of your piano. And, in humid and warm weather, the piano soundboard can expand and cause internal damage.

As you know, temperatures and weather can be somewhat unpredictable here in Minnesota. Slight shifts in weather conditions and fluctuations in the temperature of the room can have a huge, negative impact on your piano. Luckily, there are a few precautionary measures that can be taken in order to prevent any damage to your piano.

It is so important to hire a professional piano mover if planning to move or store your piano this summer. In addition to temperature, there are other environmental factors that can influence your piano, causing even costlier damages. Scuffs and scrapes that can take place during an amateur piano move, effecting your piano, can be avoided by a professional, knowledgable piano mover. Temperature changes and high humidity are another.

If you don’t plan on moving or storing your piano this summer it is important to keep your piano out of the sun and away from windows and keep it in a room that is controlled and regulated by a thermostat. In fact, there are many piano maintenance tips to keep in mind in order to combat the effects of summer. And, if you notice your piano doesn’t quite sound right, give us a call and we can refer you to experts piano tuners that can offer their own expertise and services.

Are you interested in getting some more information about our professional piano mover in Minneapolis? Give Piano Movers Extraordinaire a call at 763-784-8123 or fill out our form for a free estimate.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Is It Safe to Move Your Own Piano?

If you’re planning a move and you own a piano, you are likely realizing you need to plan a way to move it. If DIY is on your radar or if you’re assuming your moving company will figure it out; please reconsider! Most moving companies are not fully equipped to move a piano. And, if you’re planning to move your piano yourself, that is a huge mistake! You could get hurt, or your piano could get hurt! At Piano Movers Extraordinaire, we specialize in piano moving for St Paul and are here to tell you why hiring the professionals is an essential whenever you’re moving your piano; near or far.

If you’re thinking of doing a little piano moving on your own, we’d like to offer a few reasons as to why you should not take it on yourself or allow the inexperienced to handle it:

  1. Did you know that the typical piano weighs between 300 and 1200 pounds? That’s right! Moving such a large object can really do a number on your back if done incorrectly. The most common major injury that people end up getting when improperly moving a piano is a back injury. Of course, it’s not just backs that get hurt during do-it-yourself piano moving. Fingers and toes can also feel the effects of an unprofessional piano move.
  2. A piano is more awkward to move than you might think. Because pianos have to make use of a physical space to create their sound, with lower notes having heavier and longer strings, they aren’t equally heavy on both sides and thus have significant weight distribution differences.
  3. If you you try to move your piano, not only you could get hurt, but your piano can become injured as well. Pianos can end up with broken strings, torn-off lids, broken legs, big cracks and more. And, If you drop it, be prepared to pay for major piano repair and not just a simple tuning. Amateur piano movers often end up doing at least some damage to the surrounding space and do more bad than good. So, if you’re considering moving your piano without help from professional piano movers, please reconsider.

In the end, piano moving isn’t just about getting it out of the building. It’s also getting the piano to its final destination safely and soundly. And, when you hire the professionals at Piano Movers Extraordinaire you can rest assured you’re going to get just that.

If you would like information about piano moving in St Paul, give Piano Movers Extraordinaire a call at 763-784-8123 or fill out our form for a free estimate.